Essay on Advertisement for degree classes

Essay on Advertisement with Outlines

Essay on Advertisement with Outlines for Degree Classes

Out lines:
1. Introduction:
·       We live in the age of advertisement.
·       Different ways of advertisements.
2. Advantages of advertisement
·       Advertisement is a propaganda work making the public believes that a certain brand is the best.
·       Advertising has become a well developed science as well as art.
·       The modern advertisements are eye catching.
·       Advertisements always repay because capital wins capital.
3. Abuses and disadvantages of advertisement.
·       They grossly exaggerate the quality of inferior articles and thus induce the people to waste money in buying trash.
4. Conclusion
·       Advertisements though cheat but inevitable in modern age.
·       Advertisement is of great importance and value in the age of competition.
We live in the age of advertisement. Pick up any news paper and you will find pages devoted to advertisements. Switch a radio on and you will hear some product being advertised. Sit before a television set to watch its programme and the programme will be interrupted many a time by advertisements.
Advertisement means introduction of a product to the public to boost up its sale. In fact advertisement is a propaganda work making the public believes that a certain brand is the best. Traders with any thing to sell, use the radio, the television and the news papers to let people know what goods they have to offer for sale. In these days, when a large number of manufacturers produce the same article, it is necessary to introduce each brand to the public.
In this age of cut throat competition, it the man who shouts the loudest that attracts the attention. So news papers are these days filled with advertisement and shout with bold letters, and the radio and the television programmes are, too frequently, interrupted by advertisements to shout the loudest.
Advertising has become a well developed science as well as art. Advertising agencies are expert of human nature. They use such scenes in their television advertisements that carry the viewers away. The modern advertisements are eye catching. They leave lingering impression, and induce people to buy ever a thing not needed.
        Advertisements always repay because capital wins capital. The money spent on advertisements is brought in to the traders because they attract more customers. Advertisements are useful for the customers also. People wanting certain things can find out where and how to get then from advertisements. Through advertisements new inventions and useful devices come to the knowledge of people.
But advertising has its abuses and disadvantages. Advertisers use all arresting tricks to catch the market and as such advertisement has become an art of hypocrisy, sham and deception they aim at puffing worthless goods. They grossly exaggerate the quality of inferior articles and thus induce the people to waste money in buying trash. Pharmaceutical companies, for instance, know that a certain disease is incurable but still present their products to the public in their advertisements in such a way that the desperate sufferers are led to believe that the medicine will cure them and waste their money in buying them. The crazy advertisers spoil many pretty places, disfigure streets of towns and spoil the beauty of things with e clumsy advertisements.

To conclude, today the age of hard competition where thousands of products are being introduced every day through advertisements. Though most of the advertisers are cheat, yet we cannot do without it in the modern age competition. In short, progress promotes advertising and vice versa. Thus advertisement is of great importance and value in the age of competition. 

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