Letter to the Inspector-General Police against the discriminating attitude of the police towards civilians.

Letter to the Inspector-General Police against the discriminating attitude of the police towards civilians.

Write a Letter to the Inspector-General of Police against the discriminating attitude of the police towards civilians.

Examination Hall,
June 25, 2110.
The Inspector-General Police,
Subject: Discriminating attitude of the police towards civilians.
        I would like to draw your attention towards the discriminating attitude towards the discriminating attitude of the police towards the civilians.
        The crime rate in our area has increase manifold. Its main reason is the discriminating attitude of the local police. They have two different sets of laws for the rich and the poor. When they catch the rich red handed they are very soft towards them. They let them go without registering complains against them. Ever the children of these rich people have no fear of law. They one-wheel their motorbikes and drive their cars too fast.
Last week people caught some young boys while they were robbing a jeweler shop and handed the over to the police. But the police let them go and did not register the case.
Similarly, the thieves and robbers are robbing people of their belonging but the police are not taking any action against them. On the other hand, the poor are treated very harshly. Last month the police arrested the son of a poor shopkeeper on the charge of theft. Next day they handed over the body of the boy saying that he had committed suicide in the lock up. Later we came to know that he died of the brutal beating of the police.
Owing to this discriminating behaviour of the police there is no hold of law and order. People are afraid of the police.
I hope your will look into the matter and take action against officers who are showing this discriminating behaviour.
Yours faithfully,


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