Muslim Scientist Alberuni

Muslim Scientist "Alberuni"

Al Beruni was born on September 4, 973. Al Beruni was a great polymath scholar who lived in the 10th and 11th century. Ahmad Al Khuarzmi Al Beruni was his full name. He was born in an outside village of Geneva (Khuarzm) which was a state of central Asia. Abu Nasar Mansoor Bin Ali the son of the king of Khuarzm the uncle of Ahmad Bin Mohammad adopted Al Beruni and educated him as well. After some time, when the kingdom of Iraq fell down, Al Beruni left the country and moved to the shrine of Qaboos Bin Washamgeer in the state Jarjan.

 Al-Beruni has made his contribution in the field of mechanics by the introduction of a fully functional and applicable experimental scientific method. The mechanical engineers studying and researching all over the world are well aware of the unified statics and dynamics which were introduced by the great Pioneer Muslim Al Beruni. The great achiever also combined the two entirely contrasting fields which are hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Another notable contribution made by Al Beruni is that he put forth the radius of earth for the first time by standing on a place that was once a part of greater India but now is the part of Pakistan.

 He wrote his first great book while staying in Jarjan named Asar Al Baqia in the year 1000. When the severe situation was controlled in Khuarzm, Al Beruni returned from Jarjan and started living in the shrine of Ali Bin Mammon. He also met Ibn Sina there. Both were the great scholars of that time. After the death of Ali Bin Mammon, they moved to the shrine of Mmmon’s brother Abu Al Abbas Mammon in year 1009 until he was murdered in year 1016 and Mahmood Ghaznavi take over the Khuarzm to under his kingdom. 

After that, Al Beruni went to Hindoostan and learned their ancient knowledge, which was considered very difficult to get. He also learned the Sanskirt language of Hindoos. At this time, hindoos were on the peak of the knowledge and it was impossible to learn it but Al Beruni amazed Indians by getting their knowledge and he also translated their religious book Bhagwat Gita into Arabic. He also wrote a book named Kitab Al Hind about Hindu culture. Hindoos were impressed by the knowledge of Al Beruni and gave him the title of Vidya Sagar means ocean of knowledge.In year 1029, Al Beruni returned from Hindoostan and a year after Mahmood Ghaznavi died. Only a waning candle sheds its light around. 

It is related that Abul Hassan Ali, a jurist and friend of Al-Beruni visited him when he was terminally ill. Al-Beruni requested him to repeat the mathematical problem he was once discussing with him. Thinking that it was not an appropriate occasion to talk about it, the jurist remained silent. Al-Beruni insisted upon having a reply and said: Is it not better to die with knowledge then to die in ignorance? Abul Hassan repeated that problem to which Beruni listened intently and grasped it. A few moments later he passed away at the age of 75 in 1048 A.D. and was laid to rest at Ghazna. Thus, he acted upon the saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him): "Acquire knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

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