
Essay on "Courtesy" for Class 10 About 300 Words

Courtesy ( خوش خلقی ) means polite (شائستہ ) behaviour (رویہ ). It springs ( پیداہوتی ہے ) from good breeding and kindness of heart. A courteous man is always polite and observes good manners at all occasions (مواقع ). He always respects the feelings of others and does not hurt them at any cost.

Courtesy demands that we should be polite and pleasant (خوشگوار ) in every field of life. Our religion lays great stress on the need for courtesy. Islam teaches us politeness and good manners in every sphere of life. Muslims greet one another, saying "Assalam-u-Alaikum", and they often add some remarks about each other’s health and welfare (بہتری ).

Courtesy demands that we should speak gently to everyone. Our words may break a heart or heal it. Courtesy costs nothing but it pays a lot. It consoles the dejected (افسردہ ) souls. It brings us, sincere friends.
Good manners demand that we should wait for our turn.

In a crowded (پرہجوم ) bus, we should offer our seat for the women, weak or disabled (معذور ) persons. We should help the blind to cross the road. We should respect humanity (انسانیت ) in order to make everyday life really comfortable and worth living ( رہنے کے قابل ). Courtesy amply fulfils ( پورا کرتی ہے ) this need.

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