My name is …… I am … years old. I study in class eight. The school where I study is a reputed school of our city. I have … sisters and … brothers. I am elder than … of my siblings. My father name is …. He is a well-known businessman of our country. My parents are very loving, caring and God-fearing. I offer prayers five times a day. I am apple of the eyes of my parents. I have two friends. They are my coevals. I love to play with them as they live in my neighbourhood.

I like to play video-game. I love to eat pizzas and chocolates. I would like to become an army officer when I grow up. I also like to read horror and suspense stories. I am also an industrious student. I always get 1st  position in the class. I never fight with my juniors. I always look up to my elders and teachers. I always display good manners. All my teachers like me. I have a good ear to music. My favourite colour is green. My favourite storybook is Harry Potter. I like riding a bicycle and hiking. It is the brief description of my personality.

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