when you find an ideal place to study, sometimes people bring things they don’t
need. For instance, while it may seem ideal to type notes into a computer to
refer back to later, computers are a powerful distraction for many people
because they can do so many different things. Playing games, going online,
IM’ing, surfing the Web, and answering emails are all wonderful distractions
that have nothing to do with studying. So ask yourself whether you really need
a computer to take notes, or whether you can make do with the old-fashioned
paper and pen or pencil.
Don’t forget the
things you need to study for the class, exam or paper you’re focusing on for
the study session. Nothing is more time-consuming and wasteful than having to
run back and forth regularly because you forget an important book, paper, or
some other resource you need to be successful. If you study best with your
favorite music playing, make sure your iPod is with you.