Fifty Most Confusing Word Pairs Starting with Letter "F"

 Fifty Most Confusing Word Pairs Starting with Letter "F"

"Faint" or "Feint": Understanding the Difference
"Farther" or "Further": Which One to Use?
"Flaunt" or "Flout": Do You Know the Distinction?
"Faze" or "Phase": How to Avoid Misusing Them
"Formally" or "Formerly": The Importance of Context


fair - light skinned; just; honest; a carnival

fare - money for transportation; food

farther - at a greater(measurable) distance

further - in greater(non-measurable) depth

Fast - moving or capable of moving at high speed (adj.); at high speed (adv.)

First - foremost in position, rank, or importance; coming before all others in time or order; earliest

fawn - a young deer; light brown

faun - a mythical being; part man; part goat

flaunt - to display ostentatiously

flout - to disregard a rule

flounder - to move clumsily; to have difficulty doing something

founder - to fail

forbear - to refrain

forebear - an ancestor

formally - conventionally; with ceremony

formerly - previously

forth - forward

fourth - number four in a list

foreword - an introduction to a book

forward - onwards; ahead

freeze - to turn to ice

frieze - a decoration along a wall

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