Essay on "Abolition of Bribe in Society" ✍


Essay on "Abolition of Bribe in Pakistan"

Abolition of Bribery in Society

The blight of corruption has woven its way insidiously into the fabric of society, with one of its most pernicious forms being bribery. Whether exchanging cash or gifts, both the giver and receiver of bribes willingly engage in this unlawful practice. Islam vehemently condemns bribery, deeming it among the gravest of transgressions. The Holy Qur'an admonishes against unjust appropriation of others' possessions and the offering of bribes to those in power, warning against the insidiousness of greed. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself denounced bribery, declaring both the bribe-taker and giver as destined for hellfire. The teachings of Islam clearly emphasize the need to uproot the menace of bribery, advocating strict measures against those involved. The Prophetic guidance underscores accountability for constructing buildings without proper permissions and the necessity to rectify such transgressions. While various Pakistani governments have attempted to eradicate bribery, the plague continues to persist and even proliferate. Regrettably, the police department has become a significant victim of this corruption. Disturbingly, statistical evidence suggests that achieving justice often hinges on financial incentives, forcing citizens to resort to bribery for their rightful dues. This situation reflects a pervasive deterioration of moral and societal values. The interplay between corruption and bribery has poisoned Pakistani society, where lawbreakers are admired rather than condemned. In such an environment, a critical question emerges: How can bribery be eradicated? Remarkably, despite the association between police and bribery, some officers stand apart, refraining from taking bribes. This prompts an inquiry into the factors that drive their ethical conduct. Officers involved in bribery often cite meager government stipends as reasons for resorting to corrupt practices. Their justification often lies in the inability to meet basic needs with their official earnings. Over time, bribery has transitioned from a desperate act of survival to an entrenched social norm. Citizens willingly offer bribes to expedite their affairs, exacerbating the problem. However, this does not absolve the citizens entirely, as they perpetuate a culture that thrives on bribery. Human nature's pursuit of wealth and power has led to the proliferation of illegitimate means, including bribery, to achieve these goals. Societal disparities fuel the desire to accumulate wealth, leading to both the acceptance of bribes and the flouting of laws by the influential. This behavior has a cascading effect, normalizing lawbreaking among the populace. Consequently, society becomes increasingly crime-ridden, with bribery as its underlying cause. To eliminate bribery within the police force, a holistic approach is imperative. Officers need comprehensive training that incorporates religious and moral values. Traits such as integrity, honesty, and a commitment to truth-telling should be instilled from the onset. Officers should embody a spirit of service, compassion, and moderation. The emphasis should be on upholding the law, exhibiting patience, and maintaining composure even in challenging situations. The argument that higher salaries automatically negate the inclination towards bribery is flawed. A focus on mental and psychological training, coupled with quality education, is paramount. The success of the National Highways and Motorway Police exemplifies that transformation is possible through effective education and training. While some officers might have joined from other police forces with different experiences, it is the culture within the organization and the values inculcated that ultimately define their behavior. In conclusion, the abolition of bribery requires a multifaceted approach rooted in moral values, religious teachings, and comprehensive training. It is not solely dependent on income but on the cultivation of integrity, compassion, and adherence to the law. To envision a society free of bribery, citizens must collectively strive to emulate the virtues upheld in Islam and foster a culture that shuns corruption. Only through concerted efforts can we break the chains of bribery and herald a new era of honesty, justice, and progress.

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