The Fly Who Thought She was a Sailor

 The Fly Who Thought She was a Sailor

Once upon a time, there was a fly who lived in a stable. One day, a donkey came into the stable and relieved himself in a corner. The fly saw the stream of urine and was fascinated by it. She had never seen anything like it before. She flew down to the stream and began to float on it.
One day, a donkey came into the stable and relieved himself in a corner.

As the fly floated, she began to imagine that she was a sailor on a ship. She imagined the wind in her hair and the waves crashing against the hull. She felt like she was the captain of the ship, and she was in charge of her own destiny.

The fly sailed on the stream for a long time, enjoying her newfound sense of freedom. She didn't even notice that she was being carried away from the stable.
Eventually, the fly came to a river. The stream of urine flowed into the river, and the fly was swept away. The fly was scared now. She didn't know where she was or how to get back home.

The fly floated on the river for many hours. She was tired and hungry, and she was starting to lose hope. Just when she was about to give up, she saw a shore in the distance. She flew towards the shore and landed on a rock.

The fly was so happy to be on dry land. She had learned her lesson. She would never take her home for granted again.

The moral of the story is that we should not be fooled by appearances. Just because something looks like something else does not mean that it is actually that thing. The fly thought she was a sailor, but she was just a fly on a stream of urine. We should always be careful to see things for what they really are.

Here is another version of the story with a different moral:

The fly who thought she was a sailor is a story about the dangers of pride. The fly was so proud of her newfound sense of freedom that she forgot to be careful. She let herself be swept away by the river, and she almost lost her life.


The moral of the story is that we should be humble and not let our pride get the best of us. We should always be aware of our limitations and be careful not to take risks that we cannot handle.

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