Paragraph "How to Keep Our Town Clean"

Paragraph "How to Keep Our Town Clean"

Essential Tips for Keeping Your Town Clean and Green: A Civic Responsibility Guide 

Cleanliness is next to godliness. We must give a serious thought to this golden truth. Neat and clean environment has a cheerful effect. It is a sure sign of civilization. Knowledge is a great blessing of Allah. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to receive education. As school-going boys and girls, it is our responsibility to keep our town clean. We ought to develop civic sense. We should not throw fruit and vegetable peels all over the street. A banana or melon peel thrown carelessly on the road may cause a fracture or even death.

Plastic, polythene, and wooden items should not be thrown into manholes. A choked gutter spreads filth and stench all over the street. Life becomes miserable. Spitting is another problem as it causes disease and insanitation. We can politely prevent one another from spitting on floors. We should not throw hard things or stones into toilets. We should not be shy of taking a broom and sweeping the littered portion of the street in front of our door. We should take care of trees, plants, and flower-beds in parks. If we happen to pass by an unattended running water tap, we should stop and close it. As citizens, we should be vigilant and should report to the municipality if its staff neglects its duty. We can also add to cleanliness if we sprinkle water on our portion of the road. Dust and pollution can be effectively controlled if everyone lends a helping hand. Allah loves people who practice purity and cleanliness.

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