Moral Story
Robbers Turn into Good Citizens
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani (رحمه الله) had to undertake a journey when he was yet a young boy. His pious mother stitched up forty gold coins in his shirt. She advised her son to speak the truth always. He joined a caravan and set off on his journey. When the caravan entered a forest, a gang of robbers fell on the travellers and deprived them of all their valuables.
The robber asked the young boy to show the money, which he readily did. The robber took the boy to the leader of the gang.
Like all other robbers, the leader was also surprised. He said, “Why did you not deny having money?” Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani (رحمه الله) told the robbers' Chief that his mother had advised him to speak the truth always. This had a deep effect on the Chief. He said, “Alas! I do not obey the commands of Allah while this little boy so faithfully follows the advice of his mother.”
Remorse became a guideline to show him the right path. He made up his mind to give up his bad ways of earning a livelihood. He disbanded the gang and advised all the members to live an honest life. Thus, the example set by Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani (رحمه الله) reformed all the robbers. He grew up to be a great religious leader and a pious saint. He is held in great esteem by millions of his followers and devotees. He is popularly known as Ghaus-ul-Azam Gillani.