The Place of Religion in the Modern World Islam/Religion and the Modern World (Essay for B.A. Classes)

Out lines:
1. Introduction:
·       Modern world is a world of problems.
2. Problems of the modern world
·       Sincerity has lost its currency.
·       Evils like divorce, genocide, class conflicts rule over the society.
3. Islam an antidote of all problems
·       Islam nips every evil in the bud.
·       Only Islam answers to all evils.
·       It provides complete code for a serene life.
·       It ensures development in all faculties.
·       Islam denounces nationalism.
·       Islam detests distinction of caste, creed and colour.
4. Conclusion:
·       Islam values humanity.
·       Islam dislikes any type of selfishness.

The modern world is a world of problems. Insatiability, insincerity, bestiality and insularity reign over every heart. Sincerity has lost its currency, and showy and gaudy manners have taken its place. Moral and ethical obligations (duties) have come into obsolescence (come to an end) due to which family bonds have broken, home has lost its charms and meaning and true love between wives and husbands has given way to insincerity resulting in divorces. The concept of sexual freedom has created many problems and has spread AIDS which is a fatal disease. The concept of nationalism obligates (forces) a nation to hate others. The distinction of caste, creed, colour and country results in violence, brutalities, (cruelty) arsons,(fire-raising) genocides (killing of all the people of a group) and murders. Economic injustice has given rise to class conflicts, (clashes/quarrel) crimes and suicides.
        Only Islam presents the solution for all the problems the modern world in confronted with. It has given the world a complete code leading to a peaceful, serene and placid (peaceful) life. If followed strictly it guarantees full development of all faculties, instincts and propensity of a man with in limits of reasonability.
        Islam ensures economics justice, non accumulation of wealth and equal opportunity in the economic field, thus nipping class conflicts in the bud. If the economic rights and obligations determined (decided) by Islam are respected, the question of inequality in distribution of wealth will ebb.
        The concept of nationalism is un-Islamic. Islam disapproves distinction of caste, creed, colour or country. As par Islam every man is equal and has equal rights to live, to earn, to develop his faculties, to live any where, to follow any creed and to do any thing which is not prohibited. Islam gives strict moral and ethical code of life. It ensures a happy family life and if the sexual code of Islam is followed, the problems of abortion, maintenance of illegitimate (unlawful/illicit) off springs and the spread of lethal disease called AIDS will be solved.

Islam condemns violence in any form and disapprobates (disapproves) arson, killings, waging (fight) warfare or ever having contempt (hatred) for others. Life is a sacred gift of Allah and must be respected. To Islam the life of one person is as important, valuable and sacred as that of others and as such should not be taken away for any cause, which Islam disapproves.

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