The place of woman in Islam, The place of woman in society, The place of woman in the Modern World etc.

The place of woman in Islam | The place of woman in society | The place of woman in the Modern World etc.

Essay on The place of woman in Islam | The place of woman in society | The place of woman in the Modern World etc.

Essay for Degree Classes (B.A)

Out lines:

1. Introduction:

·       Woman has been suffering since the time immemorial.

2. Woman’s state in modern societies.

·       ill treatment towards her.
·       She is treated as a slave
·       Domestic animal
·       Satanic character
·       Article of trade
·       Birth of baby girl is considered a shameful

3. Woman’s status in religion/Islam

·       Islam deems a woman equal to a man in all respects.
·       In Islam, a wife is treated equal to her husband in status.
·       “The paradise lies under the feet of the mothers”.
·       Islam has endowed the woman due freedom.

4. Conclusion:

·       Islam disallows woman to be as free as to crush all moral and ethical codes.


The woman has been suffering the consequences of being physically weaker since time almost beyond imagination and the stronger sex has been treating her as slave. She has been subjected to ill treatments and has always been given an inferior position in society. She has been regarded as a domestic animal and has been required to work and to obey.

        In the Europe of middle age a woman was considered to be satanic in character. In India a widow was required to burn herself alive in the funeral flames of her husband. In some parts of the world a woman is till treated as animal. The Eskimos exchange wives without their consent as if they are articles of trade. In African tribes she is purchased for doing work.

In some countries like Pakistan the birth of a baby girl is still frowned upon. In the pre Islamic Arabia the birth of a baby girl was considered to be so insulting and shameful that the fathers buried them alive. But Islam condemned the practice. It was Islam that came to her rescue first fourteen hundred years ago and gave to the woman her due place in society. It considered a woman equal to a man in all respects. It was Islam that first recognized the various rights of a woman as a daughter as a wife and as a mother. Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) loved his daughter Hazrat Fatima deeply and studded her with the gems of manners and jewels of morality so properly that she got the title of the leader of all women in paradise.

In Islam, a wife is treated equal to her husband in status. “The best among you”, says our Holy prophet,” Is the one who is the best towards his family”. In Islam a mother is considered the most respectable and enjoys a great status. The Holy Quran calls her “The administrator and the supervisor of her family”.  As a mother she enjoys more rights than a father. To show her importance our holy prophet (S.A.W) has declared “The paradise lies under the feet of the mothers”.

Islam has never prevented the woman from doing things outside the prescribed duties. Islam has given the woman due freedom. It allows full development of a woman’s capabilities. She has the right to be a scientist, a physician, a surgeon, an economist, a politician or a judge, but all that with in reasonable limits. It does not want the woman to be as free as to crush all moral and ethical codes for mere pleasure like the women in western countries who only for the sake of pleasure have created great problems of the society.

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