A visit to the dentist

It was the festive season. Mum had baked some delicious cookies. Jam tarts were always my favourite and I had indulged myself. Moreover, the refrigerator was well-stocked with chocolates and ice-cream so I helped myself to all the goodies. That night, I woke up with an excruciating toothache. No amount of aspirin could stop the pain.
When morning arrived, I had to do the inevitable -- make an appointment with the dentist. My dental appointment was at 2 p.m. that afternoon, which was just another four hours away. The thought was enough to kill my interest in everything else. I had butterflies in my stomach. I arrived at the dental clinic an hour before the appointment. After registering, I walked unenthusiastically towards a chair. I did not even bother to look at the other patients. Picking up a few magazines, I tried to read, but I could not concentrate. All I was aware of was a terrible pain. The sight of patients coming out from the treatment room, with large pieces of gauze sticking out from their mouths, only seemed to worsen my pain. One o my New Year resolutions was made while I was fidgeting in my seat. I vowed never to taste another jam tart or take a chunky bite of chocolate in future.
When my name was finally called, I staggered into the treatment room. I heard the dentist greeting me, but I could not bring myself to respond to his greeting. The sight of the drilling equipment and the hypodermic syringes only increased my feelings of nausea. When the dentist summoned me to take my seat and asked me to open my mouth, I felt my heart pounding very fast. I was sure that I was going to get a heart attack. The dentist probed the offending tooth with various instruments. He informed me that it was best to extract the tooth. I nodded and closed my eyes and tried to think of other things. the next minute or so was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I grabbed the dentist's hands more than once. At first, he was quite taken aback and eyed me suspiciously. Then he warned me that I would have my hands tied if I were to repeat my antics. I did not think that he was joking!
Soon the pain gave way to a soothing sensation. When the dentist told me that it was all over, I could hardly believe my ears. After paying for the extraction, I walked out of the clinic confidently and headed for the nearest bus stop. I swore that this would be the first and the last time I stepped into a dental clinic.

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