Mariam Al-Astrolabiya

Famous Muslim Women Scientist Mariam Al-Astrolabiya

MariaAl-Ijliya was a famous scientist who designed and constructed Astrolabes. You can find more info about what Astrolabes is below in the part titled (Contributions and Achievements)!!!

Though not much is written about Al-Ijliya, Mariam Al-Ijliya came from a family of engineers and manufacturers, like her father and many engineers, she was a student of a certain Bitolus, who was a well-known manufacturer of astrolabes in Baghdad and she, in turn, became his student. She created new designs, which were soon recognized by Sayf Al Dawla, the city's ruler. Her hand-crafted designs were so intricate and innovative that she was employed by the ruler of the city, Sayf Al Dawla, from 944 AD until 967 AD. In addition, she also helped further navigation and timekeeping techniques.

Al-Ijliya exemplifies that the pursuit of knowledge is encouraged in Islam, and does not discourage women from it. Al-Ijliya is considered as a significant scientist in this period of time.

Many these days argue that Islam oppresses women or restricts their learning, or, more broadly, that Islam clashes with science. But Al-Ijliya and the Muslims influence on astrolabes illustrate that knowledge (scientific and general) are supported by Islam. Because she pursued study and helped innovate new technology for her time, Mariam Al-Astrolabiya Al-Ijliya remains a role model until today.

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