Modal Verbs with Types and Examples in Tabular Form

 Modal Verbs: Everything You Need to Know, with Types, Examples in Table

Modal Verbs with Types and Examples in Tabular Form

Sr. No.Modal VerbTypeExample
1canAbilityI can speak three languages.
2couldAbilityI could swim when I was five years old.
3mayPermissionMay I go to the bathroom?
4mightPossibilityIt might rain today.
5mustNecessityI must finish my homework before I go to bed.
6ought toAdviceYou ought to eat your vegetables.
7shouldAdviceYou should study hard for your test.
8willPredictionI will be home at 6:00 PM.
9wouldWillingnessWould you like to help me with the dishes?
10need toNecessityI need to buy milk from the store.
11have toNecessityI have to go to work tomorrow.
12be able toAbilityI will be able to drive when I turn 16.
13be supposed toObligationI am supposed to be at school right now.
14be allowed toPermissionI am not allowed to go out past midnight.
15be expected toExpectationI am expected to get good grades.
16be willing toWillingnessAre you willing to help me with this project?
17be determined toDeterminationI am determined to succeed.
18be bound toNecessityIt is bound to rain today.
19be likely toPossibilityShe is likely to get the job.
20be unlikely toPossibilityHe is unlikely to come to the party.
21be possible toPossibilityIs it possible to talk to the manager?
22be impossible toPossibilityIt is impossible to touch the sun.
23be necessary toNecessityIt is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a bike.
24be important toImportanceIt is important to be kind to others.
25be advisable toAdviceIt is advisable to save money for the future.
26be worth itWorthIt is worth it to work hard for what you want.
27be time toTimeIt is time to go to bed.
28be about toImminenceI am about to leave for work.
29be used toHabitI used to smoke, but I quit now.
30be supposed toObligationI am supposed to meet my friend at the library.
31be allowed toPermissionI am allowed to stay up late tonight.
32be expected toExpectationI am expected to help out around the house.
33be willing toWillingnessAre you willing to help me with my homework?
34be determined toDeterminationI am determined to lose weight.
35be bound toNecessityIt is bound to get cold in the winter.
36be likely toPossibilityHe is likely to be late again.
37be unlikely toPossibilityShe is unlikely to pass the test.
38be possible toPossibilityIs it possible to get a refund?
39be impossible toPossibilityIt is impossible to live without water.
40be necessary toNecessityIt is necessary to wear a seatbelt when driving.
41be important toImportanceIt is important to have a good education.
42be advisable toAdviceIt is advisable to eat breakfast every day.
43be worth itWorthIt is worth it to invest in your future.
44be time toTimeIt is time to make a change.
45be about toImminenceThe train is about to arrive.
46be used toHabitI used to love to play video games.
47would havePast hypotheticalI would have finished my homework if I had started earlier.
48could havePast hypotheticalI could have gone to the party, but I decided to stay home.
49should havePast hypotheticalI should have studied harder for the test.
50must havePast hypotheticalHe must have been late because he didn't answer his phone.
51ought to havePast adviceYou ought to have told me you were going to be late.
52might havePast hypotheticalIt might have been raining when she left.
53would ratherPreferenceI would rather stay home than go to the party.
54would soonerPreferenceI would sooner eat vegetables than meat.
55had betterStrong adviceYou had better start studying for the test.

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