Paragraph on "A Meena Bazaar" for Students

Paragraph on "A Meena Bazaar" for Students

A Meena Bazaar

At our school a Meena Bazaar was held in the first week of February. There was quite a big crowd of chattering girls in the front lawn. They were radiant and relaxed because there was no teaching that day. There were different stalls set up by teachers and senior students.

There were potfuls of different food items with tasty sauces neatly arranged on big tables. Girl shopkeepers were quite alert and efficient. The girl customers tried little tricks with the stall-holders and laughed heartily. Sizzling pakoras, fruit-chat, shami kababs, and chicken sticks were in great demand. Senior students had assistants with them. They kept an eye on the light-spirited and naughty customers. There was a very entertaining variety show in the afternoon. Our principal donated the sale money to a charitable organization.

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