Paragraph on "Pakistani Women"

Paragraph on "Pakistani Women"

Pakistani Women

"Women in Pakistan have begun to take an active part in different spheres of life. Job opportunities for them in the past were few. By and large, women worked as lady doctors, nurses, health visitors and teachers during the first ten years of Pakistan. But spheres for women now are greater than ever before. They seem well on the way to become even more active in the near future. They compete successfully in the Central Superior Services examinations. They are holding responsible positions in administration, customs, income tax, railways, foreign services, police and postal departments. Some of them are in the assemblies as M.N.As. Quite a number of educated women are in banks and businesses. Pakistan had its first-ever woman Prime Minister in 1988-90 and again in 1994-1996. The women of Pakistan are now more conscious of their social and political status in the twenty-first century."

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