Abd-ur-Rehman: (In the school Canteen) Asslam-o-Alaikum!
Abu Bakar: Wa’alaikum-us-Salaam!
Abd-ur-Rehman: Why were you absent yesterday?
Abu Bakar: Buddy, I was down with sore throat and severe fever therefore I could not be able to come to the school.
Abd-ur-Rehman: You know that how much pollution has increased in our city due to heavy and old traffic?
Abu Bakar: Yes! It is one of the major problems that are not only faced by our country alone but it is also faced by the whole world. Due to this pollution, many diseases and epidemics have broken out in the major cities of our country.
Abd-ur-Rehman: Yes, you are absolutely right. Now, can you tell me that how many types of pollution are there?
Abu Bakar: There are four major types of pollution.
Abd-ur-Rehman: Which ones?
Abu Bakar: They are air Pollution, land Pollution, noise Pollution and water Pollution.
Abd-ur-Rehman: I think that air pollution is the worst type of pollution because it has spread in our major cities to a great extent.
Abu Bakar: Yes, it is causing respiratory and ocular diseases and skin diseases in the cities.
Abd-ur-Rehman: Do you know that every fifth person in our country is suffering from any of these diseases.
Abu Bakar: Our government should take drastic steps in order to control on this problem effectively.
Abd-ur-Rehman: Our government should also take effective measures in order to tackle on the other forms of pollution like Noise Pollution and Water Pollution which are also causing different sorts of diseases like auditory and intestinal problems among the masses.
Abu Bakar: Well-said, this is the first and foremost duty of our government that they should tackle over it in a better way.
Abd-ur-Rehman: They should also impose effective laws in order to control the noise and air pollution by banning on the vehicles which have no fitness licences or such vehicles should be confiscated which emit excessive smoke or which cause noise pollution.
Abu Bakar: Yes, if the government also arranges the training programmes for traffic rules awareness then this problem can be successfully tackled.
Abd-ur-Rehman: It’s true.
Abu Bakar: I think that the recess is about to be over. Now, we should go to our classes.

Abd-ur-Rehman: Yes, you are right. Let’s go.

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